Any pet owner knows that cuddling with your furry baby after a long day puts a smile on your face. Having a dog or cat, that loves you unconditionally, sit on your lap or roll over for a belly rub can instantly make your woes fade in lieu of that happy, silly feeling you get when spending time with Fido. But did you know that scientific research has proved the benefits of cuddling with a pet?
So Long, Stress
Petting an animal lowers cortisol levels in the body, which contribute to stress. Prolonged physical affection, for at least 15 minutes, increases levels of oxytocin, a neurotransmitter that helps the body cope with stress. And, as if that wasn’t good enough, your brain releases endorphins when petting your best bud, which helps create a feeling of happiness and satisfaction.
TLC For Your Body
Apart from stress reduction, contact with an animal has additional benefits for your overall health and wellness. Cuddling your pet actually reduces your blood pressure, which helps your body relax. Ever heard of therapy dogs that make hospital visits? Dogs are wonderful for the aforementioned reasons, but cuddling with a pet can also alleviate pain, which is why patients love getting visits from their four-legged friends. As little as a half hour per week of animal contact can help people of all ages feel less pain—not to mention, they’re more focused on getting slobbery kisses!
Immune Booster
You’re probably used to taking high doses of vitamin C and antioxidants to rally up your immunities. But simply petting your dog or cat can also improve immune function and improve overall health. No wonder pets make the best caretakers when you’re sick.
If you own a dog or cat, make sure you spend some quality time cuddling every day. Not only will it make your pet extremely satisfied, but it’s great for you too!
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